The Oxford Handbook of Criminological Theory
Cullen, Francis T.; Wilcox, Pamela Oxford University Press112.1 GBP
The Oxford Handbook of Empirical Legal Research
Cane, Peter; Kritzer, Herbert Oxford University Press35.4 GBP
The Oxford Handbook of International Environmental Law
Bodansky, Daniel; Brunn Oxford University Press53.09 GBP
The Oxford Handbook of International Investment Law
Muchlinski, Peter; Ortino, Federico; Schreuer, Christoph Oxford University Press159.3 GBP
The Oxford Handbook of International Law in Armed Conflict
Clapham, Andrew; Gaeta, Paola Oxford University Press147.5 GBP
The Oxford Handbook of International Trade Law
Bethlehem, Daniel; McRae, Donald; Neufeld, Rodney; Van Damme, Isabelle Oxford University Press112.1 GBP
The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law
Coleman, Jules; Shapiro, Scott Oxford University Press53.09 GBP
The Oxford Handbook of Juvenile Crime and Juvenile Justice *OFERTA*
Ed by Barry C. Feld, Donna M. Bishop Oxford University Press160 Lei
The Oxford Handbook of Sentencing and Corrections
Petersilia, Joan; Reitz, Kevin R. Oxford University Press112.1 GBP
The Oxford Handbook of the History of International Law
Fassbender, Bardo; Peters, Anne Oxford University Press147.5 GBP